Project Description

A preliminary site investigation was undertaken to identify subsurface environmental conditions on/or adjoining the site in complying with the requirements of the Regional Directorate of Industry, Research and Environment (DRIRE), as determined in the French Approach to Contaminated Land Management, April 2003, including the likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release into structures, surface water, soil or groundwater. Based on topographic information published by the Government of France the site is located near  latitude 05  30′ N and longitude 54  30′ W approximately 9 meters (30 ft) above sea level.  It is located on the east bank of the Maroni River approximately 30 km south of the Atlantic Ocean coast.

A recently closed bulk fuel terminal is located on this property.  The property is currently occupied by a single storey office, loading rack, oil-water separator, pump shed, shop  and storage shed, security kiosk and above ground piping associated with the pumps for gasoline, diesel and aviation (avgas) fuels.  All of these storage tanks are located above ground.

Eight shallow boreholes were advanced using portable auger equipment to a maximum practical depth of 3.1 m (10 ft).  Eight sealed, long term monitoring wells were installed to facilitate short and long term groundwater level monitoring and groundwater sampling.  Selected soil and groundwater samples from each monitoring well were submitted for analyses of select chemical parameters in accordance with the 2003 French Approach.

Project Facts