Project Description

The hospital building additions are located on the southeast corner of Reynolds Road and MacDonald Road in Oakville. The existing facilities include the hospital building and additions, a multistorey parking structure and parking lots. The facilities will include a parking structure, acute care centre and long term care centre.

The site is generally underlain by surficial sand layers from glacial Lake Iroquois followed by Halton Till overlying weathered, grey shale of the Georgian Bay Formation at depths below existing ground surface in the order of 4 to 6m (13 to 20ft). The bedrock dips in the southerly direction from approximate Elev. 90.8m at the northeast to about Elev. 85.9m in the south portion of the property.

From 1985 to 2002 approximately 40 boreholes have been drilled to intermediate zones within soil and to greater depths reaching bedrock for the several building additions at a wide variety of locations on and near the property. These borings encountered either topsoil and pavement structure underlain by variable fill to about 1.5m (5ft), followed by sands and silts, then clayey silt till above shale bedrock. Short term groundwater levels vary seasonally and are measured to range from about 1.5 to 3.0m (5 to 10ft) depth with localized perched water zones.

For the various building additions geotechnical investigations and quality assurance testing have been carried out for conventional spread footings, foundations on rafts of engineered fill, straight shafted concrete caissons, maximum allowable bearing pressures in native soil and bedrock, proof testing of the bedrock surface, foundation load testing, sloped open cut and braced vertical excavations, temporary shoring systems, groundwater control measures, backfilling and compaction requirements, slab on grade and structural floors, aggregate and drainage specifications, and geochemical conditions of the soil and groundwater environs.

Project Facts